Celery Soup Recipe
I don’t know about you guys, but being stuck at home has me cooking eating – A LOT! Cooking gives me a sense of satisfaction, but eating all of the time? Eh, not so much.
There’s a fairly simple solution to this need to feed, replace high-calorie and high-fat meals with nutrient-dense and low-calorie veggies. Enter the world of vegetable-based soups!
Celery is a hot-to-trot veggie these days. Supposedly, an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and electrolyte-laden veggie, celery juice was being cranked out and sucked down at every juice bar across America. Experts warn drinking too much can pose a health risk because celery is loaded with sodium (one of those electrolytes). While science is still trying to determine if there are any long-term benefits to drinking the pulpy green juice, one fact is clear – it is low calorie and loaded with fiber – The perfect base for my soup!
Keep in mind, cooking vegetables will break down and destroy some of the health benefits. But, for my purpose, I just wanted to make a healthy and satisfying soup that I could eat in lieu of blocks of cheese and bags of chips.
This celery soup hit the spot! It didn’t hurt that I had one nice slice of slightly cheese garlic toast to dip into it! Another added accouterment that really made this soup a meal – a nice heaping dollop of protein-packed plain Greek yogurt. During these rainy spring days, this celery soup recipe certainly hit the spot!
Celery Soup Recipe

- 1 celery bunch, including greens, and roughly chopped.
- 2 chopped shallots
- 3 minced garlic cloves
- A handful of small white potatoes (with or without skin. I leave on the skin for extra vitamins. ;))
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 4 cups of either chicken or vegetable stock
- 1/4 cup of dry vermouth
- 2 tablespoons of non-fat plain Greek yogurt (as a topping)
- In a soup pot, start to boil the stock.
- Add all ingredients except for the yogurt.
- Let simmer until the celery is pliable, and the potatoes are cooked thoroughly.
- Transfer the soup to a heat-safe blender, be sure it isn’t boiling hot!
- Pour your delicious soup into your best soup-slopping bowl.
- Top with Greek yogurt and perhaps a bit of your favorite cheese.
- Serve with a tasty piece of toast or cheese garlic bread – and Yahoo! Dinner is served!