Throughout history, women have overcome incredible obstacles to achieve great things, breaking down barriers and paving the way for future generations. From architects to reporters to women who fight for others, women have made their mark in every field imaginable, defying expectations and challenging the status quo. In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting a few inspiring magnetic women by sharing their stories and celebrating their achievements.

Sue Brady Hartigan

Sue Brady Hartigan is hilarious; she’s also a badass with a heart of gold. For most of her life, Sue has used her voice, first as an on-air personality and now to help those who struggle to be heard. We checked in with her about her passion for helping the homeless and a new charity The Winter Walk.

Sue Brady Hartigan

You have used your powerful voice to advocate for the homeless by championing the Boston Rescue Mission and now a new charity, The Winter Walk Boston. How did you first become involved with helping the homeless, and why did this cause become such a moral anchor for you?

SH: I love answering this particular question. Growing up, my mom took us to a few homes of older folks without much. We’d make sandwiches and snacks and go as a family. 

The most beneficial part for me is that she never said “why” we were doing it; it was just the kind and loving thing to do—modeled behavior. I’m grateful for this lesson, it’s stuck with me, and now I do the same thing with my children.

2. How can we help to support your efforts with The Winter Walk Boston? 

SH: The Winter Walk supports so many homeless organizations and resources here in Boston. From mentoring to serving meals in shelters to gathering items that are needed. So many options! Please join us!

3. What advice would you give young women struggling to find their voice in their communities, and how can they give back meaningfully? 

SH: Every woman needs a mentor. It doesn’t matter if someone is struggling or not. Women have a gift of connection, and, dare I say -easier for us to speak up and say out loud that we’re struggling. Talk and share with one another; we’re all connected. When we have support and overcome something, it’s then our turn to do the same for someone else. Domino Effect, it’s a thing. 

This article originally appeared in The Mazer Group’s Luxury Listings Newsletter. For more stories like this and great real estate eye candy, subscribe to

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