Root Beer Float Cocktail

The kids aren’t the only ones who get to have fun at dessert time. And as we’re getting ready to kick off the unofficial start to summer, you have to try this root beer float cocktail!

We combined the subtle sweetness of Barr Hill Vodka with old-fashioned Dad’s Root Beer and a dollop of Halo Top Creamery vanilla ice cream. Instantly, we went back in time to those priceless and glorious summer days as a kid. Only now, we enjoyed one of the benefits of being a grown-up with that root beer float—alcohol!

Hey, if you have to “adult,” you might as well enjoy the perks, right?

Root Beer Float Cocktail Ingredients

Root Beer Float Cocktail Instructions

  1. Put a lot of ice in a very big glass. 😉
  2. Pour root beer and vodka over the ice.
  3. Gently stir.
  4. Top with 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice cream.
  5. Take a sip down memory lane!

Oh, and in the winter, try the same thing with hot cocoa and marshmallows!

Root beer float cocktail